JazzArts Latin Jazz Nuestro Tiempo Youth Ensembles Spring 2022 Performance
June 4, 2022 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Introducing Charlotte’s newest Latin jazz sensation, JazzArts Nuestro Tiempo Youth Ensemble.
This new ensemble of student musicians has spent the past 12 weeks delving into the unique rhythms, instruments, and patterns of Latin jazz, and is ready to present to you a variety of traditional Latin and Cuban jazz tunes that will keep you dancing.
They are excited to share with you the culmination of their work and fun.
This performance kicks off Havana Night at the Boileryard, a full evening celebrating Cuban culture. Beginning at 5:00, you’re invited to eat, drink, dance and celebrate Cuba’s rich culture, featuring live music by North Carolina’s finest salsa band Orquesta Mayor, Cuban five-piece band Son Poquitos, DJ Nick Martin, also delicious Cuban cuisine, mojitos station and a lot of sabor! More information about the full event here.
Want to know what JazzArts Charlotte is most proud of? Come and see!
This program is made possible through special grants from Blue Cross Blue Shield and Arts & Science Council. and our host for the evening, Camp North End.
Instructors: Julio Jeri & Johnny Conga