Jazz Appreciation Day 2022 at Victoria Yards
April 30, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 9:30 pm
To cap off Jazz Appreciation Month and International Jazz Day, all are welcome for a FREE outdoor live music celebration featuring some of the best artists in the Charlotte region, the afternoon of Saturday April 30th. JazzArts Charlotte and Charlotte Center City Partners mark our city’s proclaimed “Jazz Appreciation Day” with a little jazz for everyone. Free and open to the public, a variety of the region’s top jazz musicians will rock the outdoor stage at Victoria Yards.
Food trucks and Olde Mecklenburg Brewery will be on hand for your refreshment needs while enjoying the music.
This event is FREE.
You may bring your own chairs, as their may not be sufficient seating for all attendees.
2:00-2:30 JazzArts Youth “Herbie Hancock” Ensemble (Director, Matt Postle):
Musicians: Reagan Anderson, Damian Calvo, Tal Goman, Dillon Monteilh, Julia Pearce, Jskye Quinones, Josh Turner
2:40-3:10 JazzArts Youth “Dave Brubeck” Ensemble (Director, David Lail)
Musicians: Ian Hamilton, Luke de Hesselle, Paul Montilla, Nathan Santiago, Benjamin Teagarden, Brad Thomson, Mark Wichman
3:20-3:50 JazzArts Youth “Art Blakey” Ensemble (Director, Sean Higgins)
Musicians: Nolan Bain, Ryan Esmailian, Jalen Franklin, Casey Mos Jr, Jason Nisely, Daniel Scibetta, Sharlie Sharpe, Luke Tracy
4:00-4:45 JazzArts Youth All-Stars Ensemble (Director, Lovell Bradford)
Musicians: Ricardo Forges, Holland Majors, Lois Majors, Trey Tarzia
5:00-5:55 Dave Potter Group
Musicians: Dave Potter, Fareed Mahluli, Austin Johnson, Terrell Montgomery
6:15-7:10 Ron Brendle Quartet
Musicians: Ron Brendle, John Spurrier, Scott Sawyer, Reagan Mitchell
7:30-8:25 Ocie Davis
Musicians: Ocie Davis, Shannon Hoover, Randy Sandoli, Jackson Cini
8:45-9:45 Vergara & Gordon Latin Jazz Ensemble
Musicians: Johnny Vergara, Stephen Gordon, Mitch Butler, Lovell Bradford Jr, Howard McNair
The Smithsonian Museum of American History created this celebration in 2001 to recognize the extraordinary heritage and history of jazz. In 2013, Mayor Anthony Foxx declared April 30th Jazz Appreciation Day in Charlotte, in recognition of the impact jazz has had on creativity, art, heritage, diversity, and education on our community. Some of the most amazing names in jazz came from our community: Nina Simone, John Coltrane, Mary Lou Williams, Theloneious Monk, Max Roach.
Join us April 30th to hear some of the regional musicians that might grow into that iconic status. As we celebrate the only truly American musical art form, this month we focus on the power of music to unite people. Today, we pause to “honor and recognize the outstanding work that all jazz artists, educators, and enthusiasts in the city of Charlotte presents.”
Victoria Yards is located at 209 East 7th Street, in uptown Charlotte, at the corner of College and 7th Street. Parking is accessible along the street, and in 7th street station, and the venue is an easy walk from the train. Details about location: Victoria Yards | Blumenthal Performing Arts (blumenthalarts.org)
Free Event
Donations and tips appreciated. Enjoy the healing power of music! If you have the means, proceeds to JazzArts Charlotte benefit the musicians and infrastructure that keep jazz alive in our community. Holding an event isn’t free, even if the audience cannot attend in person.
Thank you to our supporters, Knight Foundation, O’s Place Jazz, Arts and Science Council, Infusion Fund, Doris Duke Foundation and our many donors who keep jazz thriving.