Welcoming New Board Members to the Jazz Community
October 2020 — Recently, two new board members have joined us who will add a whole new dimension to our jazz community. Unfortunately, we won’t have the immediate opportunity to get to know them in the JAZZ ROOM. So we will take an opportunity to get to know them a little here. We welcome Kris Kellogg and Joseph Smith to the family.
Kris Kellogg
CRO, Charlotte Regional Business Alliance
Kris describes himself as the business guy, with a love of all styles of music. He comes from a musical family, as his father began as a professional trombonist. Kris has continued to encourage music in his family, and his children now study piano and vocals.
“When I look back, the reason my parents had me study the cello was not that I could be Yo Yo Ma. They wanted me to be well rounded. In this day and age, our world is so specific and jobs are so specialized. Every day, millennials that interview with me struggle to think outside the box, solve problems, and wrap their arms around complex ideas. Music education broadened my view of everything. It gave me a different lens. “
In his position on the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance, he sees the importance of music to the business community. “If we are going to have a strong, growing business community, the arts has to play a role.” He makes the connection that JazzArts Youth programs create a direct link to economic mobility for all, while corporations value a high quality well-rounded arts community for their employees quality of life.
Joseph Smith III
CPA & Consultant, Protiviti Global Consulting Firm
Joseph is a self-proclaimed millennial. He is approaching his role on the Board of Directors for JazzArts Charlotte as an opportunity to “give back, meet a lot of people, and get out of my comfort zone.”
Joseph says he is a big fan of live music, and a novice to jazz. His current favorite jazz musician is Nina Simone, due to familiarity of her voice in popular music, including Hip-Hop and R&B. Joseph spends a lot of time outdoors, hiking and running (he’s training for a half marathon), and is an amateur photographer. He sees getting to know people in an environment like live music as a better way to socialize and network than a stuffy, formal setting.
“Often, business professionals are pigeonholed, within their careers. You either work for a bank, or you are a creative. But those skills can mix.” Experiences like his photography hobby and 5th grade clarinet lessons have led Joseph to have a greater appreciation for the arts. “I think joining business and arts together, through corporate sponsorships, or business community entertainment, would bridges the gap of creativity and the business side.”
We look forward to working with our two outstanding new JazzArts Charlotte Board members as they help to offer their unique perspectives and guidance to our growing organization.